Machines & Facilities

Machines & Facilities


e have 6 major departments with advanced technology & machinery which handled by expert operators.

  1. Press Shop : Having presses from 10 Tonnage to 150 Tonnage capacity, Total 9 presses.
  2. Bending Shop : CNC bending machine of 3mtr/120 tonnage capacity. Hydraulic bending machine 600mm/35 tonnage capacity.
  3. Welding Shop : Having 12 Tig welding machine, 2 Aluminium Welding Machine, 5 Mig welding machine.
  4. Powder Coating : Having dedicated 7 tank phospating powder coating line for domestic purpose.
  5. Laser Cutting : Having Trumpf Laser Cutting Machine with cut capacities of MS 20mm, Stainless Steel 16mm & Aluminium 10mm in thickness.
  6. Tool Room : Having own arrangement & technical expertise for die design & manufacturing inhouse.

Our Facilities